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for Selection, Development and Wellbeing

Personality assessments for candidate selection and

personal, performance and leadership development

Sample Personality Report


The 15FQ+ family is an updated, globally-normed revision of Cattell's 16PF Industrial -

a comprehensive assessment of personality for selection, development and coaching.

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Extensive research has consistently demonstrated that between 10% and 30% of the variance in job performance is attributable to personality differences (Furnham, 2001).


As well as job performance, personality also strongly influences career choice, career success, burnout, trainability and job satisfaction (Lowman,1996; George, 1996; Maslach et al. 2001).


In a review of 117 studies, Barrick and Mount (1991) reported consistently strong correlations between personality profiles and important work outcomes (job performance, trainingability, staff turnover, absenteeism and salary level) across a wide range of professional, managerial,

sales, public service, skilled and semi-skilled jobs.

While our personality catalogue flagship is the Fifteen Factor Questionnaire (15FQ+), formerly Cattell's 16PF Industrial, we also offer other measures important in selection and development including: the Occupational Personality Profile (OPP); the Jung Type Indicator (JTI); the Values and Motives Inventory (VMI); and the Management DerailersScreening, MDS).

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Sample reports with product details

15FQ Extended Report
OPP Extended Cover
Personality and Values Extended Report
Management Derailer Report
FNC Fine Nine Competency Cover
JTI Cover
VMI Report Cover

Details & Reports

Ordering, Qualifications & Training

CALL or EMAIL us today to discuss your assessment, training, coaching or

consultancy needs with one of our consulting psychology team +353 1 443 4438.

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